Bene for Brekkie

by gemsandplains

Most days, its a dash-out-the-door morning for me, no chance of a sit down breakfast. So when I do get the time for a decent brekkie, its pretty awesome! Here are a few of those lazy morning breakfasts.

Sometimes all it takes is a warm bowl of humble porridge to cheer up a morning. And it doesn’t take much to spread butter and jam over crumpets either. Or maybe some pesto, brie and sprigs of basil over some soft bread.

So really here is the only recipe needed, for the eggs bene of course! The hollandaise sauce leans a little on the watch-your-waistline side, but so long as you don’t indulge in eggs benedict every morning, you’re sweet!

So sinfully, Val.




1 whole english muffin
2 slices of good bacon
2 eggs (preferably farm fresh, for deliciously yellow yolks)

1. Start by bringing a pot of water to boil. When boiling away, swirl the water around with a wooden spoon to create a fast moving circular vortex of water.
2. Crack an egg as close to the surface as possible and watch it whirl away and around itself, forming a beautiful poached egg. Keep it in for about 3 minutes, then take out and place on a plate. Repeat for second egg.
3. In a hot fry pan, fry the bacon and set aside.
4. Seperate the english muffin into two halves and toast until warm and slightly crisp on the edges.


2 large egg yolks (again farm fresh)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp white wine vinegar
100g butter
salt and cracked pepper

5. Place the egg yolks in a blender, season with a little salt and pepper, and blend for a minute or so. Turn off blender.
6. Heat the lemon juice and vinegar in a small saucepan until it starts to bubble ever so slightly, then slowly pour into the blender in a steady trickle and blend with the egg yolks.
7. In the same saucepan, then melt the butter till it begins to foam, then remove off heat.
8. Turn the blender back on and again steadily pour, the slower the better, till it has been incorporated to form the sauce.
9. Finally, plunge the poached eggs back into hot water so they are warm when served. Stack the english muffin, bacon, poached egg and drizzle over hollandaise sauce for a top notch brekkie!

NB. For a vegetarian option, replace the bacon with some wilted spinach. Fry some minced garlic in a pan, then add your spinach for a couple minutes and sprikle a little salt to taste.